On 9 May 2021 I had a wonderful experience presenting to a group of post graduate students who attend the Special education-Autism studies program at the School of Education, Bar Ilan University Ramat-Gan, Israel. The discussion focused on trying to understand and normalise the difficulties that mother’s with children of ASD (autism spectrum disorder) experience. We talked about the big gap that exists between their everyday reality of mothering and the hopes and dreams that they had once had and how difficult it is to accept a new reality. The feedback I received was heartwarming. ‘Margo’s talk brought me to tears, if only someone had come and told me at the beginning of my journey that it is normal and natural to feel anger towards myself and my child I would have felt less ashamed and my parenting experience would have been very different’. I’m so glad to be having the opportunity to be part of breaking some of the taboos around mothering.
Lecture at Bar Ilan University
June 1, 2021